Home > Historic Landscape Characterisation > Carmarthen Bay Estuary Area >




Historic Background

In the Medieval Period, this area constituted part of the demesne of the Lordship of Laugharne within the parish of Marros, held under manorial tenure. A mill is first recorded here in 1307 (NLW 10118E Vol. 1), and was still present when a survey of the Lordship was carried out in 1595 (Laugharne Corporation). The demesne of Laugharne formed the core of the later Westmead Estate, which was broken up and sold in 1821. It is not known when the mill ceased to function and was transformed into a dwelling. Nor is it certain when the other holdings in the area were founded - Underhill, Hammers End and Payetts Well - although as  most of the parish was under open field cultivation in the Medieval period (Murphy 1988), these farms with their small irregular fields may have been established in the 16th- or 17th century, as the open fields were abandoned in favour of consolidated holdings and one is associated with a hollow-way.  All four holdings were well established by 1821, when they were sold (Treherne 1925-26, 18). Payetts Well and Hammers End farms are now abandoned, and their former fields reverting to scrub. Later, more anti-social land-use includes the sowing of mines near Payetts Well against the threat of sea-borne invasion during the Second World War.

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Description and essential historic landscape components

This area consists of a sloping shelf of land, lying between sea level and 70 metres, bounded by the sea to the south and by a steep coastal slope to the north. A system of small irregular fields bounded by earth banks and stone-faced banks has been established across this area, but many of the fields have been abandoned and are reverting to scrub and moorland. Those fields under cultivation lie close to Underhill and Marros Mill, and comprise both pasture and arable. Because of the exposed aspect, hedges, where present, are not in good condition and are often derelict, requiring wire fences as extra support. There is no woodland. There are two deserted stone-built farms. The extant buildings probably date to the 19th century but Hammers End is associated with a Medieval-early Post-Medieval hollow-way.

Archaeology within the area is fairly diverse and includes a number of possible prehistoric sites, represented by burnt mounds and a round barrow, Marros Mill itself, which may have Medieval origins (Rees 1932), a possible holy well and associated Post-Medieval cottage, Medieval - Post-Medieval farmsteads and associated earthwork features, and the site of a Second World War minefield.

None of the buildings are distinctive.

Marros Mill is a distinct character area, and well defined by the sea to the south and by steep bracken and moorland covered slopes on other sides.